Moringa - the miraculous edible tree and its effects

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Moringa - the miraculous edible tree and its effects
Never heard of moringa? We are not surprised! Although this wonderful plant has been used by traditional societies, mainly in Asia and Africa, for centuries, it is only quite recently that morinza has started to be talked about in Europe and America as one of the most effective plant-based dietary supplements.More information
Ingredients for this recipeMoringa PowderMoringa Oil
You can buy the individual ingredients right below the procedure

What is it?

Moringa oleifera, or Moringa oleifera if you prefer, is an evergreen tree that grows mainly in Africa and Asia. The traditional societies there have been using this extraordinary plant for a long time and rightly call it the miraculous edible tree for its exceptional properties.

The whole plant can be fully utilized, either as a strong antioxidant tea or a nourishing oil, and all its parts have excellent effects on human health.

The bark, roots and flowers exhibit almost unbelievable medicinal properties, and its leaves, which are literally packed with vitamins and antioxidants, are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet.

The properties of moringa are absolutely essential especially in parts of the world that suffer from food shortages and various epidemics. Moringa effectively fights all kinds of diseases, such as anemia, diabetes, cancer, various inflammatory diseases, arthritis, rheumatism and other joint pains, allergies and asthma, intestinal problems, heart problems, chronic headaches, infections and many others.


In 2008, the National Institute of Health in the USA even declared moringa "the plant of the year, which has the potential to significantly affect a number of environmental problems and satisfy many unfulfilled needs of humanity" . So this green plant obviously offers us a huge amount of exceptional abilities and properties!

Why is it good?

Moringa leaves contain very high amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Their consumption supports natural immunity, strengthens physical condition, has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, digestion and metabolism. Moringa helps with memory problems, slows down the aging process of cells, protects against heart attacks and increases fertility.

According to Kuli Kuli, an organization that harvests moringa in Africa and then imports it to Western countries, dried moringa leaves on a gram-for-gram basis contain:

- 25 times more iron than spinach

- 10x more vitamin A than carrots

- 17x more calcium than milk

- 15 times more potassium than a banana

- 4x more protein than eggs

- 4x more fiber than oatmeal

What can it do?

So what's the point of all this?

It will support digestion

In various systems of traditional medicine, such as Ayurveda, moringa is used to prevent and treat stomach ulcers, kidney disease, liver damage, or fungal and yeast infections (candidiasis). It also has a beneficial effect on various digestive problems.

If you want to support the activity of the liver and thereby rid the body of bad and harmful substances, such as heavy metals, moringa will help you a lot with this. This green wonder also eases the fight against kidney stones, urinary tract infections, constipation and diarrhea.

Against diabetes and high blood sugar

Moringa boasts a high content of chlorogenic acid. It has been proven in many studies that it can control and regulate blood sugar very well. This makes this plant a great natural fighter against diabetes, but also against hormonal imbalance.

A study conducted by the International Journal of Food Science Technology showed that moringa has a very beneficial effect on blood glucose and insulin levels in patients with diabetes. It was enough to regularly add moringa to food rich in polysaccharides (which are simply whole grains, nuts, seeds or fruits and vegetables :). Nothing difficult, right?

Protects and heals the skin

Moringa contains many antibacterial, fungicidal and antiviral substances that can protect the skin from various types of infections. It is most often used to treat athlete's foot, to alleviate the symptoms of acne and other inflammatory skin diseases, relieves dandruff, fights against periodontitis and other gum diseases, and helps heal various wounds, cuts or warts.

Moringa oil is used directly on the skin as a drying agent that kills bacteria, but at the same time hydrates the skin as it restores its natural protective barrier. It is often added to natural or homemade cosmetics, perfumes or food precisely because it kills bacteria and the products then spoil more slowly. In addition, it also rids products of unpleasant odors and smells very pleasant!

Get rid of moodiness

In moringa we find a high protein content and also an amino acid called tryptophan. And these substances together are responsible for the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness. Moringa therefore improves mood, sleep and regeneration of the organism, removes stress and prevents depression. And that always comes in handy in our time! This plant also contains a number of antioxidants and compounds that have a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.

It fights inflammation

It is precisely because of this property that moringa is so valued, especially in the developing world. The combination of the high content of antioxidants and the amount of antibacterial components in its leaves can deal with various inflammations in the body quite similarly to conventional medicines that we take for fever, headaches or colds. What is different, however, is the risk of unwanted side effects, which when using moringa is significantly smaller than in the case of conventional medications. :)

Nutrient supplementation

As we have already mentioned, moringa is a source of many antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. You will find a lot of B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium in it. It also contains a high amount of fiber and vegetable protein. What follows from this? Moringa is simply beneficial for everyone! Due to the content of vegetable proteins, it is particularly suitable for vegans, vegetarians and supporters of a raw diet or athletes. Its consumption is beneficial for celiacs, diabetics, seniors and people with mentally or physically demanding occupations. So if you want to support your health, suffer from a lack of vitamins or simply need a little kick, moringa will be perfect for you.

Away with high cholesterol

Consuming moringa has also been shown in many studies to significantly help lower blood cholesterol levels. And this is an excellent ability, because the latest research shows that statins, namely drugs that are prescribed for elevated cholesterol, unfortunately have many side effects. Moringa is probably yet to show us what it can do!

What to do with it?

What can you think of! You can really go wild with moringa because it can be used in so many different ways.

For example, get a great natural soap with moringa, for the production of which palm oil was not used and all its ingredients are only from the highest quality raw materials.

Because moringa powder tastes great, it's easiest to add it to food, both hot and cold. Stir moringa into smoothies, (plant-based) milk shakes or tea. You can also enjoy it in (vegetable) yogurt, with cereals or in sweet porridges. But you can also add it to soups, sauces, pastries, pancakes or fritters or use it as an herb in salads, dressings or spreads. Not only will this benefit your health, but your dishes will also look excellent and original.

Moringa is also perfect for various homemade cosmetic products, it will benefit your skin and hair! You can use it in hair cosmetics, in shampoos and conditioners, but also in creams, body scrubs or create a homemade mask for skin and hair with it. We already wrote about how to make homemade moringa masks in one of the previous articles - whoa! Or try making our eco-friendly solid body creams and add moringa to them not only for its beautiful green color, but also for its many great abilities.

Do you know moringa? And how do you prefer to use it?

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