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Dairy cultures

Choosing the right culture can be difficult, but over time you will surely come across the most ideal one. When choosing, follow a specific recipe or technological procedure with regard to the basic division of cultures. Mesophilic cultures are suitable for the production of curds, fresh cheeses, sour cream, semi-hard cheeses,... Thermophilic cultures are suitable for cheeses with reheated curds with the addition of a mesophilic culture. Yogurt cultures are suitable for the production of yogurt and, in lower doses, are also added to some other types of cheese. Mixed cultures contain both mesophilic and thermophilic strains of cultures and may also contain other dairy cultures for the production of specific types of cheese. Special dairy cultures, e.g. tallow or mold, complete the specific form of cheeses, and mesophilic and thermophilic cultures or their combination are added to them.

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