Cetyl alcohol

Cetyl alcohol, 1 kg

Product ID3982
Cetyl alcohol is a common ingredient in shampoos, conditioners, lotions, moisturizers and gels, and cleaning products. It has excellent emollient and moisturizing properties, thickens and improves the stability of home cosmetics.More information
18,50 EUR 15,29 EUR excl. VAT

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Cetanol, cetyl alcohol, hexadecan-1-ol


  • Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener
  • It has very good emollient and moisturizing properties. Cetyl alcohol helps to solve problems with dry skin, skin or hair.
  • It creates a protective film on the skin that prevents water from escaping and drying the skin.
  • Raw material for the production of cosmetics.


  • Cetyl alcohol can be used as an emulsifier, but it is mainly used to stabilize creams.
  • Stabilization and thickening of all types of emulsions.
  • Adds additional emulsifying wax.


  • In the hot oil phase


  • 2-5% of the total weight of the product


  • Cetyl alcohol

INCI: Cetyl Alcohol (Cetyl Alcohol (1-Hexadecanol)

CAS number: 36653-82-4

Unit weight (g)1000
Package size1
Country of originEU
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