Protective hand cream

30 min
Protective hand cream
A simple hand cream based on a recipe consisting of only three phases that you just mix together!More information
Ingredients for this recipe36.9g of almond oil3.3g of mango butter6.6g of olive emulsifying wax1.6g of glycerine0.2g of aromatic extract1.4g of essential oil0.5g of naticide preservative
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PHASE   100ml
A Almond oil 36.9g
A Mango butter 3.3g
A Olive emulsifying wax 6.6g
B Distilled water 31.5g
C Glycerine 1.6g
C Aromatic extract (of your choice) 0.2g
C Essential oil (of your choice) 1.4g
C Naticide preservative 0.5g

How to do it?

1. Mix Phase A in a bowl.

2. In another container, mix phase B.

3. Heat both phase B and phase A separately in two containers to a temperature of 70°C.

4. Once both parts have reached 70°C, slowly pour phase B into A and mix thoroughly for a good three minutes. Place the bowl in cold water to speed up the cooling and stir for another three minutes.

5. Add the rest of the ingredients (C) and mix, store in a container.

Raw materials
36.9g of almond oil
3.3g of mango butter
6.6g of olive emulsifying wax
Olive wax, 30 g

Olive wax, 30 g

4,15 EUR
1.6g of glycerine
0.2g of aromatic extract
1.4g of essential oil
0.5g of naticide preservative
Naticide, 5 ml

Naticide, 5 ml

5,26 EUR
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