- 250 ml of distilled water
- 62 grams of soap base
- 5 teaspoons of jojoba oil
- 2 tablespoons of honey (honey is antibacterial and helps to soothe the skin)
- 5 drops of Cosgard preservative
- 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil (antibacterial, antifungal, great for acne)
- 15 drops of lavender essential oil (lavender is suitable for all skin types, helps to calm the skin)
- 10 drops of rosemary
- Foaming bottle
You take a suitable container, ideally a stainless steel bowl, first measure the water and add the soap base, mix thoroughly. Mix in jojoba oil, honey, tea tree oil, lavender essential oil, rosemary and cosgard preservative. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
Pour into a foaming bottle and you're done.
If you have drier skin, use less soap base and more water. Homemade production has the advantage that you can adjust the recipe exactly according to your ideas and needs.
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