Lotus powder, 100 g

Lotus powder, 100 g

Product ID5169
This special herbal powder contains dried and ground lotus flowers. The lotus is a global symbol of femininity, evolution and power.More information
7,30 EUR 6,03 EUR excl. VAT
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  • Known for its tonic, invigorating and regenerating properties, lotus powder is used to improve the appearance of the skin for a smooth and fair complexion.
  • This special herbal powder contains dried and ground lotus flowers. The lotus is a global symbol of femininity, evolution and power. Its flowers contain linoleic acid, protein, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A and B.
  • Lotus powder is used in Ayurvedic cosmetics due to its soothing and cooling effects on the skin. It is said to improve complexion and promote skin health.
  • The powder also protects the skin with antioxidants and offers deep cleansing. Thanks to its astringent properties, it leaves the skin fresh, firmer, softer and more radiant.
  • Lotus tones the skin and helps restore balance during natural skin regeneration. It is also appreciated by those who suffer from acne and spots.
  • Also known as Indian lotus, sacred lotus.

Main features

  • Contains flavonoids, saponins, polyphenols
  • It is tonic, astringent, has antioxidant effects
  • Fights against aging, regenerative effects
  • Fights skin blemishes
  • Beneficial for problem skin
  • Improves the appearance of the skin
  • Leaves skin smooth
  • It gives the skin a natural glow

Application, use

  • Suitable for all skin types.
  • Use as a facial mask or cleanser in combination with various plant powders, clays and cosmetic ingredients.
  • Dosage: mix 10% lotus powder + 90% water or oil


  • Due to its powerful effect, lotus powder should only be combined with other herbal powders or clays (kaolin, neem powder, etc.). Using a concentration of 10%!
  • It is recommended to perform a sensitivity test on the skin of the arm. If you feel a sting or burn, rinse immediately with clean water.


  • Do not inhale
  • Cosmetic use


  • Nelumbo nucifera seed powder
Unit weight (g)100
Package size1
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