
30 min
We bring you a recipe for simple and chic eye shadows that everyone can do at home. More information
Ingredients for this recipe3.6g white clay3.45g raspberry powder1ml apricot oil0.5g teaspoon mango butter1 drop aromatic extract0.1g mica powder
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What will be needed?

- 3.6g of white clay

- 3.45g of raspberry powder

- 1ml of apricot oil

- 0.5g / 1/2 teaspoon of mango butter

- A drop of aromatic extract as desired

- 0.1g / pinch of mica powder

How to do it?

Mix everything together (except mica powder and aromatic extract) and mix well. Alternatively, heat the mixture slightly. Then add the extract, mix well again and finally the mica powder for shine - but be careful, just mix it in carefully.

Raw materials
3.6g white clay
3.45g raspberry powder
1ml apricot oil
Apricot oil, 190 ml

Apricot oil, 190 ml

10,07 EUR
0.5g teaspoon mango butter
Mango butter, 100 g

Mango butter, 100 g

5,03 EUR
1 drop aromatic extract
0.1g mica powder
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