Flower essence Caressing the baby's soul, 125 ml
Flower essence Caressing the baby's soul, 125 ml
Flower essence Caressing the baby's soul, 125 ml

Flower essence Caressing the baby's soul, 125 ml

Product ID6942
The fragrant flower essence in the spray is very gentle, and one of the nicest scents for a baby is Rose, which fills it with a feeling of maternal love.More information
30,96 EUR 25,59 EUR excl. VAT
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The fragrant flower essence in the spray is very gentle, and one of the nicest scents for a baby is Rose, which fills it with a feeling of maternal love. Already during pregnancy, we begin to caress the baby with a fragrant flower essence in the palms of the hands over the skin of the mother's belly using the "Little Angel Caressing" massage. Already in the womb, the baby feels emotions and smells, not only after birth. That's why the scent of the Rose soothes him so nicely even when he's curled up under his mother's heart. Caressing "flower palms", scented with flower essence, caress his world in his mother's belly and resounds the strings of his inner beauty. And in addition, he will remember the smell of his mother's hands even after birth, when they will caress him directly all over his body. The scent of the Rose will accompany him from the beginning and pleasantly scent his entire childhood.

It is equally relaxing and beneficial when this flower essence is regularly indulged in "flower stroking" with the help of "Soothing touches" and gentle stroking of the face (see the book Butterfly Massages for Newborns, Maitrea 2016). It is also suitable and very pleasant for fragrant purification of the air, when by spraying it we create a "Pink cloud" around us.

The flower essence includes excellent spring waters from France and Bohemia (Vysočina), which with their high "energetic purity and vitality" enrich the effects of the fragrant flower essence.

The pink flower water contained in the flower essence is suitable for all skin types, even for very sensitive skin. It brightens and soothes, hydrates and softens it, and is excellent for rubbing on the skin. When inhaled, its very delicate aroma has a profound effect on the emotional level as well (via the amygdala - the emotional brain). Flower waters are considered the aromatherapy of the third millennium due to their rarity and delicacy.

The flower essences (macerates of medicinal herbs) that are part of this essence care primarily on the physical level, but also have a nice effect on the emotional world of the child.

The overall beneficial effects of the fragrant flower essence are obtained by the exceptional potentiation of all their important components, namely flower waters, flower essences and excellent pure spring waters.

The use of flower essence in the care of the baby in the womb and the future mother

The mother-to-be first sprays the flower essence 2-3 times into her palms and rubs it "until dry", when the main note of the fragrance of the delicate Rose develops in them and then she smells it deeply 3 times (within a few seconds it is directly stimulated via the olfactory receptors in the nasal mucosa amygdala - the center of emotional experience and emotional memory), by which she tunes herself and her baby in the womb into the "emotion of the Rose". Scented like this, "flower palms" take care of the baby's inner world and at the same time the mother's skin, when the flower essence nicely softens, softens and moisturizes the skin on the mother's tummy and in her palms. Because the essence does not contain oil, it is practical to use at any time (it does not make clothes greasy).

With the flower essence, we can fragrantly purify the air at any time during the day and create a "pink cloud" around us - we spray it 2-3 times in the space above us and envelop ourselves in its delicate scent (by inhaling it together with the baby, we tune in emotionally nicely by directly stimulating the emotional part of the brain – amygdala) and at the same time we "clean" the space around us.


Pure spring water, Rose flower water, macerate of herb flowers (Cherry plum, White forest vine, Glandular nettle, Two-colored sedge, Crested gorse, Wild apple, Olive). Preserved with fine alcohol (19.2%).


Aqua, Rosa Damascena Flower Water, Plant extracts 0.9% (Prunus cerasifera, Clematis Vitalba, Impatiens glandulifera, Helianthemum nummularium, Ornithogalum umbellatum, Malus Pumila), alcohol (19.2%).

Unit volume (ml)125
Package size1
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