Bee pollen, 50 g

Bee pollen, 50 g

Product ID6818
Bee pollen is rightly considered an almost perfect food because it contains an extraordinary amount of vital nutrients.More information
3,85 EUR 3,50 EUR excl. VAT
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  • Bee pollen, or beeswax pollen, is collected as soon as the bee flies from the collection to the hive.
  • Bee pollen is rightly considered an almost perfect food because it contains an extraordinary amount of vital nutrients: a complex of biologically bound vitamins (especially B), enzymes, minerals, proteins with a complete amino acid content, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, etc.


  • Increases appetite, helps with weight loss, lowers lipid levels
  • It reduces the harmful effects of many chemical substances in the human body, in case of poisoning, it facilitates the excretion of toxins
  • It helps in the treatment of stomach ulcers, helps with constipation
  • It helps regenerate the liver
  • It speeds up the treatment of the infection
  • Reduces nervousness, irritability
  • Strengthens a weakened nervous system due to stress or overwork
  • Increases mental performance
  • Effectively treats hay fever, asthma or significantly reduces symptoms
  • It supports the treatment of post-infarction conditions
  • It supports the treatment of hypertension
  • Strong antimicrobial effect, acts on bacteria, fungi
  • Effective in the treatment of prostate diseases
  • Pollen consumed by diabetics effectively lowers blood sugar levels
  • Improves eyesight, thanks to the high content of roiboflavin
  • It nourishes, enriches and rejuvenates the skin

Preparation and dosage

  • It is good to let the pollen ferment and thus make it more digestible. Boil 40 ml of water, after cooling, add 15 g of honey and 100 g of pollen. Mix well, stuff into a glass and leave for 3 days in an open glass. Process bee pollen only at low temperatures! Since each grain is loaded with active enzymes and nutrients, introduce bee pollen into your diet slowly. Pollen is recommended to be taken twice a day (in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed). Best used in spring and autumn for one to two months.
  • Notice
  • Very rarely, bee pollen can cause an allergic reaction.


  • As an ingredient in yogurt, muesli, morning cereals, ice cream, desserts, drinks, etc.

Nutritional values in 100 g

  • Energy 396 kcal / 1658 kJ, proteins 13.20 g, fat 8.20 g, carbohydrates 66.50 g
Unit weight (g)50
Most common useFoodstuffs
Package size1
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